
This week featuring
Tammy Middleton/T.M. Smith
Happy 4th of July to our U.S.-based audience. Jeff gets the show going with news of contracts he’s signed over the past week–one for the novella Love’s Opening Night and the other for the short Hat Trick: Be True, Be Proud, Be Strong, which will appears in the JMS Books charity anthology Love Is Proud. Jeff also calls out some other Orlando tribute projects: an Extasy Books anthology, Broadway for Orlando’s “What the World Needs Now” recording as well as two dance pieces.
The guys talk about their weekend in Ashland, OR, where the saw a performance of The Wiz. Will celebrates the Valley of the Dolls 50th anniversary, which features a new edition hardback as well as Blu-Ray releases. In books, Jeff reviews A.J. Truman’s Out on a Limb while Will’s got What’s in a Name from Pat Henshaw. They also make note of an event coming up at the Ripped Bodice in Culver City, CA that features Christopher Rice, Damon Suede and Eric Shaw Quinn.
Tammy Middleton, who writes as T.M. Smith, stops by as part of the Official 2016 GRL Blog Tour. She talks about the new book in her All Cocks series, Live For Love. She’s also got a giveaway going on and listeners can find the Rafflecopter for that below.
Talking about TV, Jeff and Will mention that Netflix now has Eastsiders, Truth Slash Fiction won big at SeriesFest and that they’re loving UnReal and Wrecked. Superhero porn parodies are also discussed, specifically that Men.com is on its way to giving Captain America a boyfriend.
Musicals are also on tap with a brief review of the historic live stream of She Loves Me, as well as a review of the London cast recording of Close to You: Bacharach Reimagined.
Brandilyn is here with comfort reads in the form of audiobooks.
There is a poll their running through July to find out who listens to the podcast.
Remember, you can listen and subscribe to the podcast anytime on iTunes, Google Play Music, Stitcher, PlayerFM, YouTube and audio file download.
[h2]Show Notes[/h2]
Here are the things we talk about in this episode:
- JeffAdamsWrites.com
- WillKnauss.com
- Love is Proud anthology from JMS Books (coming July 30 – proceeds will go to Equality Florida to benefit the victims and their families of the Pulse nightclub shooting)
- Over the Rainbow anthology from Extasy Books (now available – proceeds will go to Equality Florida to benefit the victims and their families of the Pulse nightclub shooting)
- “What the World Needs Now” by Broadway for Orlando on YouTube
- Stop the Hate: 49 Celebrities Honor 49 Victims of Orlando Tragedy on YouTube
- “This Sweet Love” Orlando Tribute Dance Film on YouTube
- X Ambassadors – “Unsteady” | Orlando Dance Video #LoveisLove on YouTube
- Oregon Shakespeare Festival website
- Valley of the Dolls by Jacqueline Susann 50th Anniversary Edition on Amazon
- Valley of the Dolls: The Criterion Collection Blu-Ray on Amazon
- Beyond the Valley of the Dolls: The Criterion Collection Blu-Ray on Amazon
- Out on a Limb by A.J. Truman on Amazon
- What’s in a Name by Pat Henshaw on Amazon
- The Ripped Bodice Romance Bookstore website
- Christopher Rice / Damon Suede / Eric Shaw Quinn July 17 event at Ripped Bodice
- 2016 GRL Official Blog Tour: Tammy Middleton/T.M. Smith
- Tammy Middleton/T.M. Smith: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads | Pinterest | YouTube
- Live For Love by T.M. Smith on Amazon
- Live for Love Complete Blog Tour Schedule (running through July 7) at TTC Books and More website
- Eastsiders on Netflix
- Truth Slash Fiction website
- UnReal on Lifetime website
- Wrecked on TBS website
- She Loves Me on BroadwayHD website
- Close to You: Bacharach Reimagined Original London Cast on Amazon
- Close to You: Bacharach Reimagined teaser trailer on YouTube
- From Brandilyn at Prism Book Alliance
[h2]T.M. Smith Live for Love Giveaway[/h2]
Grand Prize: *US only shipping*
NOH8 tote bag full of William and Beau goodies! A signed paperback copy of Live for Love (signed by the Author and the cover model), one of Beau’s favorite T-shirts (Size L or XL), a Grown up swear word coloring book with glitter markers (compliments of Beauregard Boudreaux), a bracelet like the one William gives Beau, some fleur de lis magnets and a Live for Love magnet.
Runner Up Prize: *US only shipping*
An All cocks mouse pad with a complimentary All Cocks goodie box! (All Cocks magnet, Live for Love magnet, All Cocks soap, All Cocks keychain, All Cocks chapstix and a fan to help cool you off after you read Live for Love).
ONE winner – International – an e-book copy from my backlist (excluding Live for Love) OR a $5 Amazon giftcard (winner’s choice)
[h2]Big GRL Blog Tour Giveaway[/h2]
Use the Rafflecopter below to enter the Big GRL Blog Tour Giveaway. You can learn more about the prize, including the authors participating, on the official Big GRL Blog Tour Giveaway page.
I bought the first novel in A.J. Truman’s series. I’ll let you know what I think 😀
Excellent! Look forward to hearing what you think of it! I’ve gotta go back and read the first one!
Hey–we love you guys and your podcast. Thanks for all the reviews, interviews and tips. But we really, really LOVE the calendar in the background. Can you tell us what it is and where you got it?
Jen & Tom
Hi Jen & Tom! Glad you love the show.
The calendar that shows up in the background of the videos is from the #ReadNaked Project, which is one of the programs run by The San Deigo Multicultural LGBT Literary Foundation. Hopefully they do another calendar next year!
You can get more info on #ReadNaked, and the foundation, at http://www.sdliteraryfoundation.org/readnaked