Jeff & Will kick off the show talking about Jeff’s new book, Tracker Hacker, which releases on Tuesday, October 17. They discuss the blog tour, how he’s been creating posts, and the promo video he shot.

Brandilyn stops by with recommendations with a spotlight on Felice Stevens.

2017 GRL Blog Tour

This week featuring
A.E. Via

Jeff reviews the new anthology Myths, Moons & Mayhem: Paranormal Gay Menage and Erotic Romance, which was collected by Dale Cameron Lowry. The guys also review the YouTube show Danny The Manny.

This week’s GayRomLit Retreat is previewed as the guys discuss the schedule of events they’re participating in as well as what they are looking forward to. The podcast will have several special broadcasts and listeners should keep an eye on Facebook and Twitter for specific details.

The 2017 GRL Blog Tour wraps up with A.E. Via who discusses her new book, her first foray into paranormal, and talks about her venture into publishing new authors. She also got a giveaway for the new book along with a swag pack.

Remember, you can listen and subscribe to the podcast anytime on Apple PodcastsGoogle Play MusicStitcherPlayerFMYouTube and audio file download.

[h2]Show Notes[/h2]

Here are the things we talk about in this episode:

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