Big Gay Fiction Giveaway – Information Upload

Please use this form to submit your information for the May 22-29 Big Gay Fiction Giveaway

The form requires:

  • Author Name: This should be the name as you’d like it to appear with your book.
  • Book Title: Enter the Book Title exactly as you’d like it to appear.
  • Single Sentence Description: A 100 character (or less) description of the book.
  • InstaFreebie URL: Link must be the final link that will be used and not a temporary or one that will need to be replaced later.
  • Cover Upload: Image must be 188px wide and no more than 284px height.

Other notes:

  • The submission period ends at 11:59pm PT May 10.
  • Books will appear on the page in the order in which they are uploaded.
  • All information is required to submit this form.

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