Well, the hockey players in love have been accidentally outed to their teammates during the last week of writing, and there is family strife for one of them to as their older brother also found out that he has a gay sibling. I’m a little under 1,000 words away from crossing the 40,000 word mark as week 4 gets underway today. There are only 8 days left for me to get to 50,000 words (and since I usually get at least 2,000 words per day done, going over the word count shouldn’t be a problem). What I do worry about is actually having an ending sometime soon.
What I do know is that I’ve enjoyed the writing enough, and enjoy the story enough, that once November is done with the craziness of cranking out words, that I am going to go back and edit the story and see if there is any marketability in it.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!