Cycle for the Cause

I’m back for a fourth year of Cycle for the Cause and excited to raise more money for the HIV/AIDS services at the LGBT Center in New York City.

Click Here to Donate

The fund raising goal for 2013 is $4000. Please donate whatever you can via this online form.

Curious how your donations help the Center? Here are some of the things Cycle for a Cause enables the Center to fund:

  • $50: Covers Screening and provision of referrals over the phone OR face-to-face for four HIV-positive adults in need of help.
  • $100: Buys five HIV testing kits
  • $250: Pays the stipend for one youth to be trained as a leader in the fight against HIV/AIDS
  • $500: Covers expenses for an HIV-positive gay man to participate in the six-session “Coaching Ourselves Towards Emotional Wellness” OR 1,000 safer sex supply kits provide to young people and youth-only, drug & alcohol free events, such as dances, mini-balls and other functions throughout the year.
  • $2,500: Covers the costs for six weeks of “Sex Plus,” a weekly group where young people receive accurate sexual health information and learn skills on how to reduce the risk of HIV for themselves and their communities.
  • $5,000: Sends eight at-risk you to a week-long residential summer camp, which is a safe place where they’ll learn ways to avoid HIV infection, gain pride in their identity and envision a healthy future for themselves and their communities through adult and peer support.
  • $10,000: Pays for a small public awareness campaign about reproductive rights for HIV-positive people seeking to have families.
  • $30,000: Covers the cost of dedicated staff time to provide crisis housing referrals so young people do not have to choose between taking a risk with their status and having a warm place to sleep for the night.

Thank you for whatever donation you can provide.

If you’d like to follow my ride preparations you can check out the blog.

Cycle for the Cause 2012

Braking the Cycle 2011

I did the ride all over again in 2011, this time as a much stronger rider. Not only did I do all but about six miles of the ride, more importantly I raised over $3,800 for the HIV/AIDS Services at The Center.

Here are my recaps from the 2011 ride:

Braking the Cycle 2011: Day 1
Braking the Cycle 2011: Day 2
Braking the Cycle: Day 3 & Wrap Up
> Braking the Cycle 2011: Video
> 2011 Flickr Photo Album

Braking the Cycle 2010

The September 2010 Braking the Cycle ride, my first ride to raise money for the Center, was an incredible experience. Here is a video from Black Watch Productions that gives a great look at the ride (at 8:18 you’ll see a few seconds of me peddling along…).

[hdplay id=1]

Here are my recaps from the 2010 ride:

> Braking the Cycle: Day 1
> Braking the Cycle: Day 2
> Braking the Cycle: Day 3 (The End)
> Flickr Photo Album

After the 2010 ride, in response to the rash of LGBT teenagers committing suicide, some Braking the Cycle riders, including myself, made a video for the It Gets Better Project