Happy Halloween! I don’t usually write specific to Halloween. This year, somehow, I did it… and did it twice. First is a Flash Fiction piece I wrote for Flash Fiction Friday #8 that I submitted over to Vitality’s Halloween Queertacular. I love the...
Last week was a success. I had a great time writing for The First Line again. There’s nothing to see on last week’s post since I’m submitting to the magazine. Once I know the publication status, I’ll update the post. This week, the flash comes...
Last week was a Halloween special and the story flowed easily for that picture prompt. I had the story’s first draft completed by the end of the day Friday after I posted the picture. I love the story. I submitted the story to Vitality magazine’s Halloween...
About a month ago I did a Flash Fiction Friday related to a picture prompt (seen at left) from Prism Book Alliance. The story, titled “Who Are You?” went up yesterday on Prism. You can read it here. I’m thrilled by the feedback the story’s...
Last week was another week that the story came on me very quickly. Thursday morning I didn’t have a story, but Thursday afternoon, as it became time for me to write, the idea snapped into my head. I like what turned out and you can read it by going to the bottom...
The story to complete Flash Fiction #5 snuck up on me out of nowhere. Head over to the bottom of last week’s post to see what I did there. We’re back with Storymatic this week. I drew one yellow card while Will added an orange and an additional yellow. As...