Hat Trick Box Set by Jeff Adams

Simon Roberts and Alex Miller could never have known that from the moment of their first kiss that they were embarking on the love of a lifetime. The Hat Trick Box Set is their story, as told by Simon, from their senior year of high school through college graduation and beyond.

 This box set includes all 6 stories in 1 ebook download!

 The box set includes Hat Trick, Hat Trick Overtime: A Classic Winter’s Night, Hat Trick 2: Playing the Rebound, Hat Trick Overtime: Summer Camp, Hat Trick 3: Penalty Shot and Hat Trick Overtime: Reunion.


Type: Box Set / 252,900 words
Format: Ebook 
Publisher: JMS Books

“The Hat Trick series is hands down my favorite gay romance series. … Quite frankly I could read about Simon and Alex forever! I highly recommend this series!” — Brian, Goodreads

“[Simon and Alex] make a great couple and you can really feel the love they have for each other. ” — Jess, Goodreads

Here’s a video excerpt of Jeff Adams reading from Chapter 1 of Hat Trick