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Wonder Woman Wednesday


Photo on 5-6-15 at 9.32 AM

The majority of my Wonder Woman collection is made up of actions figures… and here’s another fairly recent one. I pretty much love everything about this figure, from it’s take on the “classic” look to her sassy hip pop.


Photo on 5-6-15 at 9.34 AM

This recent figure features the “New 52” costume redesign. Overall it’s a nice figure, but an awkward hair sculpt means than she is always looking down at the ground (I’m holding her at a specific angle so that she’s “looking” at the camera).


Photo on 5-6-15 at 9.30 AM

Circa 2000 from Hasbro, I call this ‘insectoid’ Wonder Woman. The overall design/sculpt of the figure is quite good, but the paint detail on her face gives her a off-putting, bugish appearance.


Photo on 5-6-15 at 9.29 AM

This figure is from the mid-80’s and was a premium offer from… somewhere. I can’t remember if she came from a fast food restaurant or was a mail-in offer. Her odd pose, as if she were driving an oversized car (or perhaps an invisible jet) is because she originally held a sippy cup. I used the cup as a toothbrush holder for many years before the junky plastic it was made of began to degrade and started to leak. I tossed the cup and kept the amazon princess.


Photo on 4-29-15 at 9.42 AM

Here is a plastic Wonder Woman figurine that was a mail-in premium offer from Kraft in 1998. If I remember correctly, I collected and mailed-in mac ‘n cheese box tops (though the offer may have been available using any Kraft products). I believe Batman and Superman were also available as part of this promotion.


Photo on 4-3-15 at 10.42 AM

This 4 1/2″ figurine was released through Hallmark stores in 1996. This particular figure depicts Golden Age Wonder Woman circa 1942. There is a corresponding “modern” version that I’ll show off next, as soon as I do some repair work on her (she had a rough time of it during our last move).