A wonderful time was had by al at Gay Rom Lit Retreat 2018 in Portsmouth, Va. Here are a few pics of Jeff and I during the whirlwind of weekend literary fun!
The weather outside is frightful. Perhaps I can recommend a good book to curl up with? 😉 The Hockey Player’s Heart is coming your way Jan. 16th!!!
Happy 2018!
There were some great things that happened last year, but let’s face facts, I don’t think anyone is truly sad to see 2017, that perpetual shitstorm of a year, to finally go.
I’m genuinely optimistic about what the new year holds, due in no small part to the fact that I’ve finally achieved a life-long dream. A book, with my name on it, will be published on January 16th. To make it even better, my name appears alongside that of my husband/co-author, Jeff Adams. We’re both really proud of The Hockey Player’s Heart, our gay take on traditional category romance tropes, and can’t wait for everyone to read it!
For the first time ever, we recorded an entire episode on location. Just moments after GRL 2017 finished, Jeff and I sat down in our Denver hotel room and recapped our entire GayRomLit experience. This years retreat was phenomenal and we give you all the details. Check out BigGayFictionPodcast for more, including links to the special live bonus episodes we recorded throughout the weekend!
Jeff and I made it safely back from Denver and the 2017 GayRomLit Retreat. In a word, it was amazing (as always). Here are a few select pics of us and our adventures.