We put up a mighty front against the Angry Hornets, but the number one team proved a difficult team to overcome as we lost 6-1. We played well, we worked to keep our defensive strategy in check, but there’s a reason there are top of the division. It was great to see us work hard to keep pace with them and not give up against the onslaught. It’s proof that we can rise up to take on an opponent and give a game we can be proud of even if we loose.
It was an odd week in that this was the only league game.
But, there was Ronnie’s in the morning, which was quite awesome. It was a small group, only 12. We got to do a small ice drill, which I absolutely love. You play on about 1/4 of the ice. Both nets along one goal line. The defense on one net works with forwards who are in front of the other net (okay, it’s hard to explain in text). But it is some of the most fun I have playing hockey. The regular scrimmage in the morning was cool too. I was the least skilled among the players, which was an interesting position to be in. And it was a good skate. I got better at defense as the game went on and held up pretty well. Got some good comments from some of the younger folks for some good moves, and got some coaching from them too. It was a great morning!