Three items I’ve wanted to write about from the news…
Too Much Information… We’ve learned way too much about the New York governors lately. I wouldn’t care of Spitzer had just had an affair. That’s between him and his family. Unfortunately he broke a few laws, so he had to go… and frankly should be headed to jail (which is exactly what he would have tried to do to a governor if he were the attorney general still). New governor Patterson felt the urge to come forward right on top of his inauguration to let us know that he and his wife have both had affairs. I don’t care. Again, between him and his wife and if they can work through that, great. Not my business. He wasn’t elected based on how he manages his sexual affairs, and frankly I shouldn’t have to hear about what those are.
Disturbing Commentary: On CBS Sunday Morning this past week commentator Ben Stein said this: “Basically, a few career civil servants have nullified the will of the voters of the Empire State (over something clearly wrong, I don’t doubt that, but it’s not a political crime, not treason, not terrorism). Having elected officials kicked out of office by appointed officials is a very dicey proposition. Over hiring prostitutes?” I voted for Spitzer. He committed a crime or two while in office over these prostitutes. I don’t want a criminal running the state whether I voted for him or not. I really don’t understand Stein’s thoughts here.
Saying Something Over and Over Again Doesn’t Make it True: Welcome to the fifth anniversary of the Iraq war. Bush is still determined to make us all believe that this war–costing billions a month–is worth it. “Five years into this battle, there is an understandable debate over whether the war was worth fighting, whether the fight is worth winning, and whether we can win it. The answers are clear to me: Removing Saddam Hussein from power was the right decision, and this is a fight America can and must win.” He also said: “The successes we are seeing in Iraq are undeniable.” I suspect the majority of the country simply rolled their eyes at this continued insistence that this is a good thing while many things on the home front continue to deteriorate.