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Dance Dance Wednesday: Jerry Springer & Kym Johnson Waltz from DWTS

We continue our celebration of Dancing with the Stars 10th year and 20th season with Jerry Springer from Season 3. Most of Jerry’s time on the show, as he admits in the rehearsal piece, was for fun and laughs. This particular week it was serious as we wanted to...

Ted Saves the World by Bryan Cohen

Ted Saves the World by Bryan Cohen was a wild, fun ride. The book centers on Ted, a high school student who ends up with super powers that let him move objects and people, and even his own body to help him defeat some otherworldly bad guys. The setup is a simple one....

Dance Dance Wednesday: “Will I?” from SYTYCD Canada

Mia Michaels’ choreography always impresses on So You Think You Can Dance, but this is a number US audiences didn’t see until clips surfaced on YouTube. Michaels did this routine for SYTYCD Canada and it features the song “Will I?” from the...

Dance Dance Wednesday: Paula Abdul “Cold Hearted”

Going back into the 80s video vault to Paula’s “Cold Hearted” video. I loved this when it came out in 1989 because of it’s slick, sexy dance moves which were based on a scene from Bob Fosse’s All That Jazz film from 1979. The “Take...