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“Hat Trick” Makes an Honor Roll

I was deeply honored this week as True Colorz issued its review of Hat Trick and, at the same time, put the book on its Honor Roll. Seeing the emblem (showing at right) on the review page was amazing. The True Colorz Honor Roll is filled with books that are near and...

Rapture Practice by Aaron Hartzler

Rapture Practice by Aaron Hartzler is the first YA biography I’ve read and it was wonderful. The book mostly focuses on Hartzler’s high school years. We find out on the very first page how religious his family is–they believe that Jesus is coming...

Two Boys Kissing by David Levithan

David Levithan keeps outdoing himself. Last year’s Every Day was extraordinary. His latest release, Two Boys Kissing, offers up a unique narrator for a YA story and has a great mix of characters that were engaging. The narration comes from a chorus of gays who...

Amazing Week for “Hat Trick”

I had no idea what to expect when Hat Trick hit the market. Would people buy it? Would they like it? I wrote the book I wanted to write, but would it be what people wanted to read. I’m thrilled some very positive things have happened this week. There’ve...