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Art Isn’t Easy…

The last time we were in Provincetown we bought what we considered our first grown-up art. Two large Steve Walker reproductions and a smaller Michael Breyette. This trip, besides hitting Lyman-Eyer Gallery (the dealer for Walker and Breyette artwork) we also checked...

What Do I Want?

“The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation.” – Henry David Thoreau, Walden “Life is not fair. But fair has nothing to do with who you are inside, what you dream about, who you love and what you stand for. Life cannot touch that.” – The...

My Manifesto

One day, not too long ago, while surfing the world wide web (ie wasting time), I came across the site of pro blogger Chris Guillebeau. I didn’t have to read much to realize this guy was trying to do something unique. His page The Art of Non-Conformity details his...

Dude, it’s art

From the incomparable J. Bone at Man’s Adventures (site NSFW).

Beginning of the end

Admittedly, the title of this post is a little dramatic, but not by much. According to I have about thirty-six years left. That means I’m half done! Eep. In other news of my continual deterioration, I went to the optometrist last week and got...