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This Writer’s Life – Anticipation

Well, it seems Haworth Press won’t be releasing the Superqueeroes Anthology (featuring my story “Partners”) until the Summer of 2008. Oy. Until then, here is some gratuitous superhero beefcake courtesy of artist Glen Hanson.

This Writer’s Life – J.M. Snyder

I haven’t blogged in a while because my writing life has been less than optimal lately. But I did want to quickly mention that I just finished reading a novella by J.M. Snyder, an author who will also be appearing in the upcoming Superqueeroes anthology. Much of...

This Writer’s Life – Procrastination

I debated whether I should write about this in a post. I eventually decided that life isn’t really about failure or success, it’s about what you learn along the way. You may remember an earlier post where I mentioned a short story I was working on. Well,...

What’s Going on With My Writing

A few days ago, Will wrote about what was going on with his writing, so I thought I’d give an update of my own… I read on the Superqueeroes blog that the manuscript is off to the publishers. I’m guessing that probably lowers my chance a bit more on...

This Writer’s Life

I’m currently working on a submission for an upcoming anthology. At least, I should be working. Even though I like the concept I’ve come up with, I’m having a hell of a time getting it down on paper. I like the characters and I’m constantly...

Superqueeroes: The Results

If you recall, back at the end of January, Jeff wrote that we were both trying to get into a new anthology called Superqueeroes. Today we both got the results of our efforts. Will got in! His story, “Partners,” was accepted for publication. Yay! Jeff...