“Rivals” Looks to Publish in November

I got my galley proof for the short story “Rivals” this week and did a couple corrections on it. If everything stays on track it’ll  be released the week of Thanksgiving, which is appropriate since the story’s first scene is the day before...

“Rivals” Moves Closer to Publication

The release of the short story “Rivals” gets closer every day and it’s been exciting watching the publication process at work. Unlike Nerdvana, for which I submitted the story, found out I was in, signed the contract and sat back and waited for the...

Holiday Writing Pays Off

Will wrote a couple weeks ago that we were in the holiday spirit not only becuase it was fall, but because we were working on holiday themed short stories as well. I’m happy to report that mine got picked up for publication. You can read more about it, if...

“Rivals” Accepted

Good news on the acceptance front yesterday. I submitted “Rivals” on Tuesday and on Friday I had a contract in my inbox. It was not, however, accepted for Christmas Dreams – Mistletoe Madness (the 2009 Advent Calendar). Instead, Dreamspinner Press plans to...