Hat_Trick2_Playing_the_Rebound_sidebarHat Trick 2: Playing the Rebound is available now at JMS Books, Amazon.com and other retailers.

The Hat Trick 2 Blog Tour has been a blast. I’ve enjoyed talking readers at the different stops and giving everyone a sample of Simon & Alex. There’s been some good discussion about love, libraries and inspiration along the way too. There’s one last tour stop…

I’m over at Prism Book Alliance talking about HT2 and GayRomLit, which is coming up in October. I love going to GRL and this is the first year I’ll be there as an author and it’s going to be a blast. Besides an exclusive excerpt, I’ve also got a copy of either HT or HT2 in ebook format for a lucky commenter.

In case you missed any of the tour stops, you can see them listed at the bottom of the post.

In addition to the blog tour, it’s been great seeing the positive response HT2’s received in some of the early reviews. Here’s a sampling:

Jason at Joyfully Jay (technically 4.75 stars, but I’m rounding up): “The story of Simon and Alex was compelling and well thought out, had good depth and characters that I could relate to, even if I am not a hockey fan. … A definite must read series, in my opinion.”

jonboy on Amazon.com: “This is a really well written and befitting second novel in the series. Love is in the air!”

Yankee Doodle on Amazon.com: “I had been looking forward to reading ‘Hat Trick 2’ since finishing the first ‘Hat Trick’ book earlier this year. After the wait, I was not disappointed.”

Renee on Goodreads: “I can’t wait for the next book, write quickly Jeff!”

I also have to show off a comment that was posted on Facebook from Cassandra Carr, an author whose books I enjoy (see my review of See the Light over on PuckBuddys…I’ve just finished it’s wonderful sequel too and will be talking about it son):


Thanks, Cassandra. It means a lot to know that I’ve left an impression. I hope I live up to it when you read HT2.

And, as promised, for anyone who missed it, here’s the full tour stop itinerary with links.