I’ve taken the big plunge into dictation. After some experimenting with the less than awesome speech-to-text built into my Mac and being inspired by a recent Creative Penn podcast on dictation, I bough a PC laptop (ewww) and Dragon software. Over the past week I’ve done some training with it–both training it to understand how I talk as well as my training on how to talk to it. So far I’m jazzed about the outcomes. In under two hours yesterday I did more than 3,000 first draft words. I’m psyched about that. I talk more on the podcast about the week and I’ll keep talking about the dictation journey both on the show and on the blog as well.
I had a great reading week too. Clare London’s Romancing the Ugly Duckling is soooooo good! With the narration by Joel Leslie it’s one of my favorites in the Dreamspun Desires line and definitely one of the best books I’ve read this year. There’s more books and movies we reviewed this week (including yet another Something Like… book for me). Check out episode 97 of Jeff & Will’s Big Gay Fiction Podcast today!