Total for September: 26,134 words (details)
Week of September 29 (3,256 words):
Away from home until Wednesday afternoon… it’s hurting the word count.
- Flash Fiction Friday (9/26 challenge)
- 1,585 words added 10/1
- Read Story
- Hat Trick 2.5 First Draft:
- Word Count Start of Week: 14,351
- Revising draft…
- Hat Trick 3 Frist Draft:
- Word Count Start of Week: 31,119
- 1,671 words added 9/29
Week of September 22 (4,471 words):
Away from home until Wednesday afternoon… it’s hurting the word count.
- Flash Fiction for GRL Team Prism
- 1,360 words on 9/24
- 118 words added during editing.
- Read story on Prism Book Alliance
- Hat Trick 2.5 First Draft:
- Word Count Start of Week: 11,363
- 399 words added 9/26
- 1,034 added 9/27
- 1,560 added 9/28
- 1st Draft complete 9/28
- Hat Trick 3 Frist Draft:
- Current word count: 31,119 (no new progress)
Week of September 15 (4,717 words):
I’m traveling this week, so it will be a challenge to see if I can keep my word count up! (And, indeed, the week ended up low)
- Flash Fiction Friday (9/12 challenge):
- 2,243 words on 9/17
- Read Story
- Flash Fiction for GRL Team Prism
- No new progress
- Back to School Post for Sam Kadence
- 585 words on 9/16
- Completed & submitted on 9/16
- Read Post
- Hat Trick 2.5 First Draft:
- Word Count Start of Week: 9,474.
- 686 words on 9/17
- 1,203 words on 9/18
- Hat Trick 3 Frist Draft:
- Current word count: 31,119 (no new progress)
Week of September 8 (6,908 words):
- Flash Fiction Friday (9/5 challenge):
- Added 270 words on 9/10
- Added 2,014 words on 9/11
- Read Story
- Rivals Revisions:
- This is in beta reading phase.
- Revising with the beta comments on 9/11
- Submitted to publisher for consideration on 9/11
- Accepted, pending contract on 9/12.
- Signed contract on 9/13
- Hat Trick 2.5 First Draft:
- Word Count Start of Week: 5,479.
- Added 1,581 words 9/8.
- Added 1,612 words 9/9.
- Added 372 words 9/13.
- Added 430 words 9/14
- Blood on the Ice review for PuckBuddys
- 629 words on 9/12
- Formatting for the blog so it can publish next week (also on 9/12)
- Hat Trick 3 Frist Draft:
- Current word count: 31,119 (no new progress)
Week of September 1 (6,782 words):
- Flash Fiction Friday (8/29 challenge):
- 1,330 words (completed 9/3 – Read Post)
- Rivals Revisions:
- Edited/revised during week.
- Added 1,012 words 9/1.
- Added 1,023 words 9/3.
- (This is in beta read as of 9/5)
- Hat Trick 2.5 First Draft:
- Word Count Start of Week: 2,068.
- Added 712 words 9/5.
- Added 1,677 words 9/6.
- Added 1,028 words 9/7.
- Hat Trick 3 Frist Draft:
- Current word count: 31,119 (no new progress)