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Happy Birthday Diane McBain!

You may be asking yourself, just who exactly is Diane McBain? As a starlet in the 1960’s, McBain co-starred in some of my all-time favorite camp classics such as the soapy Troy Donahue melodrama Parrish (1961), the Joan Crawford psycho-drama The Caretakers...

F#@k her way to the top

Today is Pia Zadora’s Birthday. Below is a montage of her trashiest moments from the camp classic The Lonely Lady. If you don’t think it’s the most fabulous thing you’ve ever seen… well then, there’s just no hope for you.

Call her “Miss Ross”

The movie that asked the eternal question “Do you know where you’re going to?” is finally making its way to DVD! One of my all time bad movie favorites, Mahogany, will finally come out on DVD May 1st. Along with all the cult classics being released...

Happy B-Day Sandy!

Today is Sandra Dee’s birthday! The perfect way to celebrate would be to watch Imitation of Life, or perhaps A Summer Place or Portrait in Black.

Happy Birthday Bette Davis!

Below is a clip remixing some of Bette’s most outrageous moments, including scenes from the good twin/evil twin classic Dead Ringer.