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A good gay hustler movie

You are probably asking yourself, A good gay hustler movie, how is this possible? Everyone knows that movies about gay hustlers suck. For some reason, filmmakers think that films about the hustling life are edgy and sexy. The fact is that they’re seldom edgy,...

Scoring from the Blueline

The Tigers played strong last night and beat the Rockets 4-1 (giving us a 2-1 record against the Rockets for the season). It was a particular triumph for me because I scored one from the blueline while playing defense. I’ve been working on that shot for a while...

National Gay Holiday!!!

Well, it should be a national holiday. It’s Joan Crawford’s Birthday!!! Below is a clip remixing some of her craziest and campiest moments. Enjoy!

Your Own Swishy Son

Ugly Betty continues to prove that it is one of the best shows on television. I’ve written before that I love it’s mix of drama, mystery and comedy and tonight’s episode was no exception. You had the hilarity of Daniel and Alexis’...