This past weekend, VH1 premiered Viva Hollywood, which is looking to find “America’s Numero Uno Telenovela Star.” Contestants have to go through challenges covering the seven deadly sins of the telenovela. The winner gets a contract with Telemundo to appear in a telenovela.
Viva is nothing short of hysterical. In the premiere episode, Passion was the sin and the contestants had to act in a typical telenovela scene showing some sort of confrontation. They got to work with a fight choreographer, punch each other, scream, pull hair, throw drinks at each other and break bottles over heads.
For elimination, two contestants are chosen. One is the worst performer of the challenge. Another is selected by the other contestants. These two end up in “the duel” where they have to plead their case before the judges. Then a video runs that the two shot earlier… in it one of them dies and one of them lives. Whoever walks away stays on the show. For the other, head judge Maria Conchita Alonso pronounces the other contestant dead (yes, dead) and they have to leave immediately.
Talk about harsh! Dancing with the Stars puts people in a harsh red light and gives scary music, Survivor snuffs out torches… on Viva Hollywood, you’re just pronounced dead!
We’re definitely checking this out for a couple more weeks because it’s just too funny to miss. Here’s a look at the promo for this season
Oh, this just sounds HILARIOUS!!!!!!!