Yes, it’s an odd topic for a Geek Out, but in the last weekend before the Presidential Election it seemed the perfect time to talk about voting and why it actually does have a Geek Out status with me. You might remember that I wrote a little bit about elections back in September when I talked about old-school voting machines.
I’ve been into voting for as long as I can remember. Even as a kid of five or six, I remember using the sample ballot that was printed in the newspaper to pretend like I was voting. When I was eight, I asked for and got a Jimmy Carter for President T-shirt that I proudly wore. The first presidential election I voted in was 1988 and I was as excited to actually get to have a vote for president. I made sure to vote in both the primary and general elections. But, beyond presidential elections, I vote every time there’s an election. It’s too important to pass up. The city council person you vote for or against one year could end up running for mayor, governor or president one day. So it’s important to have a consistent impact on the elections by showing up to raise your voice.
I don’t know how anyone can pass up the chance to vote, especially with the world in its current state. Just look at where we are: two wars in progress, the economy in meltdown, the U.S. reputation in the world severely tarnished and so many ballot initiatives that will dictate the way we live for years or decades to come. As close as presidential elections have been the past two times, it’s pretty clear that everyone’s vote counts.
It should be no surprise that I’ll be voting Obama on Tuesday. Eight years of republican rule have not done any favors for this country. It won’t be easy to fix for anyone who takes over the Oval Office, but I believe Obama will set the stage to pull us out of the downfall we’ve been going through.
Of note in California is the vote on Prop 8, which seeks to reverse the court ruling earlier this year that allows same-sex marriage. It’s critical to vote no on this. Can you imagine if you were married and the voting public was able to say that it was invalid? If you’re in California, vote no on 8. It’s a mean-spirited law that cannot be allowed to pass. Will and I have friends in California who have been married since the court made it’s ruling and we don’t want to see them lose their new found right.
Regardless of your position on the issues, make sure to vote on Tuesday. I’ll be at my polling place bright and early. I hope you will be too.