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My Little Dreamgirl Wicked Pony

This is freakin’ brilliant! Clearly some actors on some My Little Pony stage show had some spare time and decided to get silly by performing songs from Dreamgirls and Wicked. I like the Dreamgirls piece best as “And I Am Telling You I’m Not...

The Ghost Writer

Ewan McGregor drew me into The Ghost Writer when I first heard about it a couple weeks ago. I’ve always been a fan since I first saw him in Shallow Grave back in ’94. Beyond that, a movie about a ghost writer caught up in a conspiracy around his subject...

The Crazies

Timothy Olyphant is the reason I wanted to see The Crazies. I don’t usually get all excited for scary looking movies, but I like Olyphant and the virus-making-people-crazy plot didn’t seem like it would give me nightmares for days. I’m glad I took...

Trauma Night

Wednesday started like any regular day–went to the gym, went to work and had a day meetings. Around 4:30 things took a turn and I started to feel crappy. By 5:30 I decided to cut out and go home. My plan was to catch a cab if I could get one as I walked to the...

Under the Dome: A Novel by Stephen King

I admit, I haven’t read a Stephen King book in years. Novels like The Stand (both the original and the newer uncut edition) and It are among my favorite stories of all time. Right around Dolores Claiborne in 1994, however, I got burned out. When Under the Dome:...