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Friday Geek Out: Battlestar Galactica

As a sci-fi loving child of the 70s, the 1978-79 Battlestar Galactica was on my TV diet. Coming shortly after Star Wars was in the theaters, this show fed my appetite for space shoot-em-ups. At age 10, I didn’t quite realize at the time how campy this show was,...

Friday Geek Out: Linda Eder “The Man Of La Mancha”

In September 1998 a special concert was held at Carnegie Hall. My Favorite Broadway: The Leading Ladies gathered an array of leading ladies to sing some of Broadway’s greatest hits. This stunning concert was filmed for PBS as well as a CD and DVD release. In my...

Friday Geek Out: Max Headroom

Max Headroom was everywhere in the middle 80s. I think I initially discovered him because he was the spokesperson for New Coke. Not Max at his most interesting, certainly. He had a run at pop music too, showing up in the Art of Noise song “Paranoimia.”...

Friday Geek Out: Night of the Comet

Here’s a massive dose of 80s flashback for Friday: 1984’s Night of the Comet. I didn’t see this in the theater, but did see it a lot when it hit cable TV. It’s one of the funniest end-of-the-world movies ever. A friend recently brought this...

Friday Geek Out: You’re A Good Man, Charlie Brown

You’re A Good Man, Charlie Brown started out as a record album in 1966. It was billed as an “Original Album Musical” for MGM’s Leo record label and featured 10 songs by Clark Gesner. The record was adapted into a stage musical, which debuted...

Friday Geek Out: T-Town Food-a-poolza

I’m headed to Tuscaloosa today to see my mom and a few friends. Besides catching up with loved ones, one of the the things I look forward to is the food. Yes, it’s true, New York has a hundreds of restaurants where you can get practically anything. But...