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When Your Novel Comes to Life…

It’s been a while since I’ve written about it, but I am still working on Neutral Zone, my novel about two high school hockey players who fall in love and come out during their senior year. It’s still in second draft and coming along pretty well. I...

Wintry Saturday

Brrrr… We’ve gone from near 70 on Thanksgiving day (which, of course, was great weather for the parade) to the current temperature of 26 with a wind chill of 19. I like the cold just fine, but I’m not a fan of the harsh wind chill. At least the sun...

National Novel Writing Month, Here I Go Again

I officially signed up this morning to do the National Novel Writing Month challenge for this year. So, during the month of November, I’m going to churn out a 50,000 word (minimum) novel. Last year I succeeded and created the first draft of Neutral Zone, a story...

Saturday Morning Bloggin’ Time

Writing Ins and Outs: The new issue of The Project for a New Mythology arrived in my mailbox this week, featuring my story “Mindgames.” That was exciting to get. Meanwhile, I found out the story I submitted for the Touched anthology was rejected, so I’ll...

“Mindgames” Accepted!

“Mindgames” the story that narrowly missed getting into Superqueeroes got accepted this week into Project for a New Mythology, a quarterly literary journal with a stance on artistic social mindfulness. The issue with “Mindgames” gets printed...

Hockey, Submission & Maupin, Oh My

A couple weeks ago I mentioned how there were so many conflicting priorities going around, and this week is no different, but at least it should be a fun week with this stuff going on: There is lots of hockey this week. I’ve got two days of Bluestreak training...