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“Hat Trick” Makes an Honor Roll

I was deeply honored this week as True Colorz issued its review of Hat Trick and, at the same time, put the book on its Honor Roll. Seeing the emblem (showing at right) on the review page was amazing. The True Colorz Honor Roll is filled with books that are near and...

Amazing Week for “Hat Trick”

I had no idea what to expect when Hat Trick hit the market. Would people buy it? Would they like it? I wrote the book I wanted to write, but would it be what people wanted to read. I’m thrilled some very positive things have happened this week. There’ve...

Hat Trick Ranks on Amazon

I got the notice earlier today that Hat Trick was ranking in its main categories on Amazon. Mere moments ago (around 6:30pm ET), I grabbed this screen shot (click on it to see it larger in another window if you wish). What it says at the bottom is this: #15 in Kindle...

Hat Trick: On Sale Now!

It wasn’t supposed to happen until Sunday, but my debut novel (wow…yes I’m officially a novelist) is now available from Queerteen Press. The ebook went on sale early so it could be part of the Labor Day Weekend sale, so you can pick it up for 40% off...