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Well Said…

Will over at Soliloqueer posted a inspiring,  yet sad, piece of opinion. Please take a moment and go read his “I Have a Dream” post.

Friday Geek Out: Pride

This weekend New York City closes out 2008 Pride Week with the March down 5th Avenue into the Village. The 2008 theme–“Live Love Be”–is quite appropriate in this year where California has taken a huge step forward with same-sex marriage. And,...

Weddings Begin in California

Towleroad has some of the first pictures and video from California’s first same-sex marriages, which happenend yesterday at 5:01pm pacific time. Congratulations to everyone who is taking advantage of this new legal right!

Good Job, Macy’s!

Reading Towleroad during lunch, I came across this ad that Macy’s ran in the L.A. Times today. It made me warm and fuzzy to see a huge retailer like Macy’s step up with this kind of ad (you can click on it to see a larger version that is a bit easier to...

California Supreme Court Overturns Same-Sex Marriage Ban

Breaking news from Towleroad… California’s Supreme Court has overturned the state’s ban on same-sex marriage. Here’s a bit of the court’s opinion that was posted on Towleroad: “Furthermore, in contrast to earlier times, our state...

And I Used To Live Here…

This headline on Towleroad this afternoon: “Birmingham Woman Calls 911 Over Two Guys Kissing in Public.” Since I used to live in Alabama—I lived in Tuscaloosa and visited Birmingham a lot because they are so close. I’m stunned anyone would call the...