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Pride Month: Cinema Edition

All month long TCM will be running a series of movies dedicated to the representation of LGBT characters in Hollywood film. Every Monday and Wednesday night there will be a new batch of classic films and each night will carry its own theme. The mini film festival...

Friday Geek Out: Beautiful Thing

June is Gay Pride Month, so the five Geek Out’s this month focus on some of my favorite gay-themed movies, books and music. First up for the month is the 1996 film Beautiful Thing. This is the story of two working class boys from London who, over the course of a few...

Teeth whitening & Oscar Wilde

As I sat waiting for my white strips to take effect, I stumbled upon Wilde. I usually stop channel surfing to watch it whenever it is on (Logo seems to run at least once a week). Today, for the first time, I noticed cameos by actors who happen to be starring in two of...

Happy B-Day Barbara!

No, not that Barbra. Barbara Parkins, the whispery voiced ingenue who portrayed Anne in the super-gay, ultra-camp cinematic trash heap that is Valley of the Dolls! Today also happens to be Laurence Olivier’s birthday. Eh, whatever.

Happy Birthday Diane McBain!

You may be asking yourself, just who exactly is Diane McBain? As a starlet in the 1960’s, McBain co-starred in some of my all-time favorite camp classics such as the soapy Troy Donahue melodrama Parrish (1961), the Joan Crawford psycho-drama The Caretakers...

Friday Geek Out: Bright Lights, Big City

“You are not the kind of guy who would be at a place like this at this time of the morning.” That’s the line that kicks off Jay McInerney’s Bright Lights, Big City, his 1984 debut novel. I first read BLBC in 1986 as part of my freshmen American...