Jeff and I attended the Queer Sacramento Author Collective readings that took place on Friday night at the Lavender Library, featuring authors LE Franks, Pat Henshaw, Amy Lane, J. Scott Coatsworth and co-host Jeff Adams.

Jay from Joyfully Jay stops by with a preview of the upcoming Reading Challenge Month, which begins September 3. She also recommends books from Tal Bauer, Lee Welch, Amy Lane and N.R. Walker.

Summer movies The MegChristopher RobinBecoming Bond and Crazy Rich Asians are briefly discussed. Jeff talks about his first visit to Rosalind Abel’s Lavender Shores with a quick review of The Palisade while Will goes on to review the fourth Shores book, The Shipwreck.

Hank Edwards, our first Coastal Magic Convention Featured Author guest, chats about the latest in his Critter Catchers series as well as the re-release of his Fluffers, Inc. series. He also tells us what he enjoys about Coastal Magic and gives us a look at what’s coming next for him.

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