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Big Gay Author Podcast

Reader Interaction – Big Gay Author Podcast episode 40

This week’s episode is taken from a panel discussion that was recorded during the Coastal Magic Convention in February of this year. The Publishing Plus panel featured authors Morgan Brice (aka Gail Z Martin), Jeaniene Frost, Sarah Nicolas (aka Aria Kane) and S.E. Smith in a discussion about the many ways for authors to share more of themselves and their stories with readers.

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Advice From Nora Phoenix, Nick Thacker, and Meghan Maslow – Big Gay Author Podcast episode 36

After discussing the state of the world (we can make it through this), Jeff gives some updates on the ongoing release activities for his latest book, Keeping Kyle. I talk about the key takeaways from BookBub Mastery by Nick Thacker and Nora Phoenix’s appearance on 20 Books to 50k’s Facebook channel, chatting about Seven Things for Successful Authors. Author Meghan Maslow also joins Jeff for a round of Q&A.

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What Should You Be Considering When It Comes to Audio? – Big Gay Author Podcast episode 34

With 300 days left in 2020, I talk about tackling the rest of the year while Jeff looks at his past week dealing with taxes (which provided some interesting insights) and the cover reveal for the “Kyle Project.” We also take a deep dive on some specific author takeaways from the just released book Audio For Authors: Audiobooks, Podcasting, And Voice Technologies by Joanna Penn.

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Your Author Career, Your Choice – Big Gay Author Podcast episode 33

Jeff shares his progress on the Kyle Project (Cover reveal coming soon!). We talk about our trip to Daytona Beach for the Coastal Magic Convention. I share my takeaways from two recent podcasts I listened to, which further drove home the fact that authors have to do what works for them even if it’s against the advice of gurus. Jordan Castillo Price also does a round of Q&A.

Remember, you can listen and subscribe to the podcast anytime at