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New Job, Day 1

Yup, today was the first day of the new job. And it felt a lot like a first day of school, at least in the preparations. I was in new clothes and had a new backpack stuffed with a new laptop and I had a new Blackberry (okay, those last two things weren’t...

Dragon Wars

Please don’t think any less of us, but Jeff and I actually went to a theatre and paid to see Dragon Wars. If you read this blog on a regular basis you’ll know that my personal taste concerning culture can sometimes be… well, questionable, but Jeff is...

BNP Shuts Out Ordinals in Playoffs

The Ordinals playoff run ended quickly last night as BNP, the number one team in the division, shut us out with a score of 7-0. We did put up a good fight though. As I’ve blogged about before, the games that annoy me are the ones where everyone isn’t...

A Second Opinion

Since Jeff has done nothing but gush about Perry Moore’s Hero, I cracked the spine on it last night. Around page eighty-seven I put it down. I doubt I’ll be picking it back up. Life is just too short to slog through a book you’re not enjoying (even...

Gorgeous Saturday

I’m pretty sure I’ve written before of my love for Fall. Today is one of those wonderful days. It was rainy this morning, but right around noon it became partly cloudy, the fog broke and the temperature is a great 67 degrees. Absolutely fantastic! Patriot...