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A Night of Losses

Last night’s hockey was decently fun even though both games were losers, particularly the Wizards game which was a 14-0 defeat at the hands of the Wolfpack. (I think it was 14-0, they stop putting the score on the board after there’s a 10 point disparity...

So You Think You Can Dance: Will & Katee plus Mark Solo

Will and Katee had the dance of the week with an amazing Pas de Deux performed to Idol singer David Archuleta’s version of “Imagine.” I’m a big fan of Mark and this week he got burned by Kerrington as a partner (which surprised me since she was...

Friday Geek Out: Diana Ross, Central Park, In The Rain

Every now and then I get the timing perfect and don’t realize it until I’m researching. The free Bon Jovi concert in Central Park last weekend made me think that I should write about one of my favorite TV concerts: the 1983 Diana Ross Central Park event....

Pure Country, Mamma Mia and In The Heights @ Bryant Park

It was another beautiful lunch time in Bryant Park today (sunny, 91, low humidity). This week’s lunchtime Broadway concert featured Avenue Q (unfortunately I got there a bit late and didn’t get to film any of Q), a showing coming to Broadway this fall...

Is This Appropriate?

Yesterday morning this ad was installed on the 1 train platform at Rector Street. I was so stunned by it I had to take a picture to share. Is this the kind of ad that should be on a subway platform? Maybe this is some kind of joke that will eventually reveal...