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Friday Geek Out: You’re A Good Man, Charlie Brown

You’re A Good Man, Charlie Brown started out as a record album in 1966. It was billed as an “Original Album Musical” for MGM’s Leo record label and featured 10 songs by Clark Gesner. The record was adapted into a stage musical, which debuted...

Musical DVD Bliss: “Dr. Horrible” & “Rent”

It’s been a great DVD month as I picked up copies of Dr. Horrible’s Sing-A-Long Blog and Rent: Filmed Live on Broadway. Both DVD’s are perfect for a cold winter’s night watching. The Dr. Horrible DVD has been out for a couple months and I...

Friday the 13th

While I can be pretty freaked out by horror movies to the point where I won’t go see many of them, I have always enjoyed the Friday the 13th franchise (as well as Halloween and Nightmare on Elm Street franchises). So I was looking forward to the new Friday the...

Farewell to Oscar Wilde Bookstore

The bad news came via email on February 3: the Oscar Wilde Bookstore on Christopher Street, after 41 years, set a closing date of March 29. Yes, independent books stores have become an endangered species over the past several years between the rise of and...

The Third Story

We spent Valentine’s Day afternoon with Charles Busch and Kathleen Turner as we took in the New York City premiere engagement of The Third Story. As the title suggests, there are three stories told in this two-hour comedy. There is a mother/son screenwriting...