

This week featuring
LE Franks

The guys open with a quick recap of the week, which includes Jeff working on Codename: Winger #2 and getting things ready for GayRomLit. As part of the preparations, they remind everyone to like the podcast on Facebook so they can watch any Facebook Live broadcasts from the weekend.

Tuesday, October 11 is National Coming Out Day, which celebrates coming out as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer or as an ally. On Friday, October 14, Winnie the Pooh turns 90. Jeff & Will also mention the upcoming anniversary for Big Gay Fiction Podcast and encourage listeners to leave comments about their favorite moments from the show.

LE Franks stops by as part of the GRL Blog Tour to chat about her Six Days series as well as Of Nuts & Men.

Will reviews two documentaries: Tab Hunter Confidential and Women He’s Undressed.

Jeff talks to Cherylanne Corneille, Avon Gale, Heather Lire, V.L. Locey and Jenn Needle about the hockey romance anthology Changing on the Fly, which benefits a charity that supports inclusiveness in athletics.

Remember, you can listen and subscribe to the podcast anytime on iTunesGoogle Play MusicStitcherPlayerFMYouTube and audio file download.

[h2]Show Notes[/h2]
Here are the things we talk about in this episode:

[h2]Big GRL Blog Tour Giveaway[/h2]

Use the Rafflecopter below to enter the Big GRL Blog Tour Giveaway. You can learn more about the prize, including the authors participating, on the official Big GRL Blog Tour Giveaway page.

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