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A Note in the Margin by Isabelle Rowan

Will finished A Note in the Margin by Isabelle Rowan before I did and proclaimed it one of the best books ever. I am in complete agreement. Rowan created a well crafted romance with an unexpected character. The end result is a book with more layers than the typical...

The “Twilight” Effect

I’m not sure this is a good thing. I was in Borders yesterday and my eye caught a new release of Pride & Prejudice and it’s looking very Twilight with the white and red flowers. It’s billed as “The love that started it all.” Will then...

What We Remember by Michael Thomas Ford

The latest from Michael Thomas Ford, What We Remember, was a great, meaty mystery. Now, I don’t read a lot of mystery so my idea of a meaty mystery and someone who read mysteries routinely may differ, but I enjoyed this book a lot. The set up is simple, although...

Writing for the Holidays

It’s only September, but the holiday feeling has been in the air the past month or so for me. I’ve been working on a story for Dreamspinner Press’ Christmas Dreams – Mistletoe Madness anthology. I just sent “Rivals” in this morning,...

David Inside Out by Lee Bantle

“Being yourself might make people reject you. People you desperately care about. Being yourself only works if you’re basically cool. Which I’m not.” – David That’s the eternal issue of being a teenager, which is only heightened when...