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Anatomy of a NYT Bestseller

One would assume that the New York Times Bestseller List is exactly that, a list of the books that sold the most during a given week. As it turns out, not so much. Below, Jackson Pearce tries her best to unravel the process of generating the most powerful PR tool in...

Writer’s Life: The Challenging Month of November

The yearly challenge that is National Novel Writing Month is nearly upon us and writers of all types have been prepping for the impending insanity. Every month is NaNoWriMo for hard working romance author Alison Kent and, though she is not officially participating,...

Writer’s Life

The latest edition of my sister Jessica’s novella Tree/House is now available for purchase. She was also recently interviewed by author Mike Angley, so be sure to check out his blog to read more. Reviews by Jessewave continues to be a valuable resource for...

Lee Child on CBS Sunday Morning

Though I’ve never read a Jack Reacher book (one is sitting in my TBR pile) I find Lee Child’s modern take on the classic Lone Wolf character intriguing. This story that recently ran on CBS takes a look at Child’s fascinating personal story and his...