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Action = Marriage Equality: A Rally in NYC

Back in November, after California voted down Prop 8, Will and I attended our first protest. We marched through the streets of the Upper West Side and supported our friends and family in California who had their rights stripped from them by a bunch of mean spirited...

I Heart Mike Gronstal

Iowa senate majority leader Mike Gronstal told H8ter minority leader Paul Mckinley to F-off yesterday when an amendment to the state constitution was introduced (and epically failed) .  Okay, so Gronstal was a little more elegant and didn’t use the F word like I...

Love Will Prevail

I found this on Towleroad and was moved beyond words. “Fidelity”: Don’t Divorce… from Courage Campaign on Vimeo. Earlier this week, one of our dear friends, Chris, wrote an amazing “note” on Facebook that fits so well with this...

Be Counted

While I was reading my dose of morning news, I came across this story: “Calif. gay marriage foes want donors anonymous.” According to the article, the supporters of Prop 8 have gone to court for the permission to remove the donor list from their website....