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TV Dance-a-poolza, Week 1

Three days of dancing on TV per week! That’s what’s going on for the next 10 or 11 weeks as Dancing with the Stars airs Mondays and Tuesday sand So You Think You Can Dance plays Tuesdays and Wednesdays. The pattern isn’t totally in place yet as DWTS...

I Cut Off My Hair Yesterday

Super hot bodybuilder Robert Gonzalez helpfully models the new look I’m sporting. Unfortunately, our hair is the only thing we have in common.

The Big Gay Musical

There is a lot crammed into the plot of The Big Gay Musical. Believe it or not, it’s not all a musical either. Paul and Eddie are the leads in the new off-Broadway musical called Adam and Steve Just the Way God Made ‘Em and about half of the movie is the musical...

Tigers, Ordinals Wrap Seasons

The spring/summer season ended for both the Ordinals and Tigers. One team was destroyed while the other lost but played stunningly. The Tigers met the Great Whites for the fourth time this season. We’ve had an odd run against them. We won the first game 7-1 but...