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How Much Did You Play This Summer?

Odds are not enough. CBS Sunday Morning commentator Nancy Giles (one of my favorite CBS commentators) had a great piece this morning on how few people in today’s culture are truly leaving work behind on their vacations. With just two weeks before Labor Day,...

Saturday Stuff

J.J.’s Trek: A bit of news came out this week about the casting for the reboot of the Star Trek movie franchise. It’s been known for a while now that J.J. Abrams, mastermind behind Alias and the best of the Mission: Impossible movies, is taking over the...

Democrats Talk Marriage

CNN and YouTube sponsored a major presidential debate tonight, moderate by Anderson Cooper. Gay Marriage was high on the list of topics YouTube users brought to the table. With a couple of questions answered on the topic, Congressman Kucinich, Sen. Dodd, Gov....

It’s Harry Potter Saturday!

759 Pages to Go: I, like many, got my copy of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows today. I’ll be reading it over the next couple weeks. I wish I could read faster, and avoid any spoilers that may come my way but it is the best I can do with my overall time...

Isaiah, sweetie, let it go.

It’s kinda funny… in a pathetically sad sort of way. I think that old saying about a tree falling in the woods applies to this situation. If an actor gives increasingly desperate interviews to salvage his career and nobody listens, was there ever a career...