Starting tomorrow, I’m trying something new here at ye olde blog place. I’m going to write about my attempt to break into the world of gay romance fiction!
Ok, I admit the idea isn’t totally my own, Dean Wesley Smith has been blogging about his daily writing adventures for nearly two years now. I thought it might be interesting (I HOPE it’ll be interesting) for potential readers and other M/M authors to get a front row seat and watch as I start from absolute zero and attempt to build a career as a gay romance author.
I’m sure there will be laughter and tears and I know there will be times when I fall flat on my face in front of the whole world (not that the whole world reads this itty bitty blog but… well, you know what I mean). I also hope I can share the good times too, because I wouldn’t even attempt to try something like this if I didn’t already know that M/M romance readers and authors are the most awesome people on planet earth! Like seriously for real.
To kickstart things off I’m going to document my attempt to complete Camp NaNoWriMo.
Most of you have probably heard of NaNoWriMo, the month long national novelizing adventure that takes place each November. Well, camp is pretty much the same, it just happens during the Spring and Summer. The April session kicks off tomorrow and I’m gonna do my best to actually “win”.
I’ve been a fan of NaNo for many years and I fully support it’s mission of fostering creativity through the written word. That said, I’ve never completed a project during November, not even close.
I’m going to give it my all and use this session of Camp as the kickstart I need.
Have I figured out what I’m going to write?
Um, not really.
I have some ideas and I know that I want to concentrate on short stories this session (50K worth). So I guess we’ll see what happens.
Anyone else attempting Camp this April?