It’s the unofficial start of Summer and Jeff and I have got oodles of suggestions for your next beach read! You can listen (or watch) at
Big Gay Fiction Podcast
From Whence Publisher Dost Thou Cometh?
So that headline is my rather lame attempt to be fancy/funny/irreverent concerning this week’s question from episode 19 0f The Big Gay Fiction Podcast, “Does who publishes a book affect your purchase decision?”
Generally, as a reader and avid book purchaser, the publisher of a book is pretty low on my list when I’m making my decision on wether or not to buy a specific title. The marketing stuff (cover, blurb) gets my attention first, and if I already know and like the author I’ll definitely give their newest title a looky-loo. Price is my final consideration before making my choice. If I’m on the fence about any of the above criteria, then the publisher and my experience with the quality of their past titles can play a factor.
How about you? Do you really care who publishes your favorite books? Does who publishes a book affect your purchase decision?
You can answer this question in the comments section on the episode 19 page at Big Gay Fiction Podcast.
What Else Ya Reading?
In episode 18 of The Big Gay Fiction Podcast, author and publisher J.M. Snyder asked, “What’s your favorite read outside the m/m genre?”
Aside from reading contemporary gay romance and writing related non-fiction, I enjoy Westerns. I’m not exactly the target demographic for this particular genre, but I got into reading them a couple of years ago. Classics, like Louis Lamour (et al), aren’t my favorite. I enjoy category/series books, especially those by Robert J. Randisi, who writes The Gunsmith series under the name J.R. Roberts.
How about you? When you need a change of pace from M/M romance, what genre is your go to?
Tell us at The Big Gay Fiction Podcast page where you can also enter to win an e-copy of Jeff’s latest title, Make the Right Choice.
Are Your Reading Habits Seasonal?
In our very special sweet sixteen episode of the Big Gay Fiction Podcast, we had the chance to chat with author Jordan Nasser about his books Home is a Fire and The Fire Went Wild. I finished reading both of them not too long ago and I can’t recommend them enough. Seriously, I LOVED these books and I highly recommend them!
Jordan asked our listeners, “How do the seasons affect your reading–the amount of reading and the kinds of books you’re reading?”
I would’ve sworn that I generally read less in the summer, but looking back at my reading list from 2015, I saw that my rate stayed pretty steady throughout the year (I only read one book in September, I remember being particularly busy though). As for the kind of books that I prefer, I don’t think that has much seasonality either. It has more to do with what I just finished reading and wether I’m in the mood for more of the same, or I need a breather and search my TBR for some thing completely different.
How about you? Do the seasons affect your reading habits?
You can answer this week’s question on Episode 16’s page at
Everyone who answers this week’s question will be entered in a drawing for paperback copies of Jordan’s books Home is a Fire and The Fire Went Wild. Trust me, you’re gonna want these, so comment and enter today at!
What’s Your Favorite Romantic Trope?
In the most recent episode of The Big Gay Fiction Podcast, Jeff and I talked about books we’ve been reading, fan letters, celebrities coming out and the TV movie Hollywood Wives.
We also answered the Question of the Week: What are your favorite romance tropes, and why?
I can’t resist a good homecoming story paired with the classic reunion/second chance at love trope. These tropes usually play out with one character returning to his small hometown (usually after trying to make in the “Big City”) and bumping into an old acquaintance/childhood crush and the sparks start flying! I’ll read just about any story with this scenario. I suppose I respond so strongly to this type of story because it’s just human nature to wonder “What If” and homecoming stories usually give the characters a chance to revisit past choices and find that their hearts desire was in front of them all along.
How about you? Is there a gay romance trope that you just can’t resist?
You can listen and subscribe to Jeff & Will’s Big Gay Fiction Podcast anytime on iTunes, Stitcher, PlayerFM, YouTube and at
The Big Gay Fiction Podcast Has Launched!
I recently had my 43rd birthday and I celebrated by starting a podcast with my husband! The show will be about gay fiction (in general) and our individual author journeys. Check out our recent episode about NaNoWriMo 2015 in the links below.
or watch the youtube video feed below