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September Saturday

We are headed into my favorite time of year—fall. Officially we’re 23 days away, but of course unofficially it starts after this weekend since Monday is Labor Day. And it’s a nice day too, sunny currently 74 and only headed to be 80. We’re headed...

Dance, Dance, Dance

Well, my excitement from earlier this morning is a little tempered now. Good Morning America had the announcement of the new lineup for Dancing with the Stars and I’m less than impressed. Here’s who we get to watch dance: Melanie Brown, also known as Scary...

New ABC Promo

ABC is totally on a roll with the ads for its new Fall season. I don’t watch Desperate Housewives (I’m kind of an anti-fan really) but this promo is just too dang slick not to appreciate. I love the look on Felicity Huffman’s face after she pulls off...

Friday Geek Out: Wonderfalls

How would you feel if one day a stuffed animal spoke to you? Jaye Tyler thinks she must be going insane. Over the course of the 13 Wonderfalls episodes, Jaye is given directions to help people from an array of inanimate animals. A sampling: From the wind-up penguin:...

Best. Promo. Ever.

He’s a promo clip for the new season of Ugly Betty. It’s just too damn cute, but why they used a Mika song (his 15 mins were up months ago) is a bit of a head scratcher. There is also a full-length version of the song, but that video actually has Mika in...

What Time Is It? It’s Saturday

HSM2: What better way to end a crazed work week than with High School Musical 2? I enjoyed the sequel a lot. As I noted yesterday, I already knew the music was good, but the story turned out to be good too. Troy had to grow up and make some choices about what was...