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Anniversary Saturday…

10 Years…: Yesterday, as you know if you read yesterday’s entry, Will and I celebrated our 10th wedding anniversary. True, we’re obviously not really married because we’re not allowed; but as far as we’re concerned we are married....

The Battle of Ketchup vs. Mustard, Bluestreak Post Test

Score one for mustard, as the mustard-wearing Angry Hornets defeated the ketchup-wearing Ordinals yesterday afternoon. Yes, that’s some of the silliness that was on our bench for the matinee match up. During the first period break our new alternate, Mike M,...

Bluestreak Session 18: The Finale

Bluestreak wrapped up last night and I think I finished up strong. I was able to show coach Keith the wrist shot that materialized on Wednesday. I’m happy I was able to do that for a couple reasons: 1) because I wasn’t sure I’d be able to pull off...

Bluestreak Session 17: Wrist Shot Comes Together

Last night, without warning, the wrist shot came together. The missing piece, snapping my wrists just before turning the stick blade over, just dropped into place during warm ups in the skills zone. It wasn’t a random occurrence either because I kept the shot...

Bluestreak Session 16

I wasn’t sure I could do it, but I did survive last night’s Bluestreak. It was a strong treadmill night with a lot of last night’s training focused on longer strides and faster speeds. I was talking to the coach last night, who also works at Sky...